NordVPN Configuration Converter Documentation Status Updates


The main goal of this small script is to convert the OpenVPN configuration files (provided by the NordVPN service) into NetworkManager compatible files.


  • Bulk conversion done in a matter of seconds

How to install


pip3 install nordvpn_converter

Virtual environment

virtualenv --python=python3 nordvpn_converter
cd nordvpn_converter
source bin/activate
pip install nordvpn_converter

From sources

The sources for NordVPN Configuration Converter can be downloaded from the Github repo.

You can either clone the public repository:

$ git clone git://

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

$ python install

How to use

Grab the required files

In order to generate the compatible NetworkManager files, you have to login to your NordVPN account, go for My Account section, Download Area, Linux and download .OVPN configuration files and CA & TLS certificates.

After this, you’re gonna end up with 2 archives, and

Create a new folder and unpack them there:

mkdir ~/NordVPN_Data
unzip -d ~/NordVPN_Data ~/Downloads/
unzip -d ~/NordVPN_Data ~/Downloads/

Let’s assume that you have now the following structure:

~/NordVPN_Data/CA\ and\ TLS\ auth\ certificates/*key
~/NordVPN_Data/CA\ and\ TLS\ auth\ certificates/*crt

Run the conversion

The regular help information is available:

usage: nordvpn_converter [-h] [--source SOURCE] [--destination DESTINATION]
                     [--certs CERTS] [--user USER] [-v] [--version]

This is a simple conversion tool.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --source SOURCE       Source folder for ovpn config files
  --destination DESTINATION
                    Destination folder for output files
  --certs CERTS         Source folder for certificates
  --user USER           Username used for the NordVPN connection
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode
  --version             show program's version number and exit

And based on our example:

nordvpn_converter --source ~/NordVPN_Data --certs ~/NordVPN_Data/CA\ and\ TLS\ auth\ certificates --destination /tmp/output --user jbravo

Just note that the user is not the local one, but the NordVPN one. The files will be automatically generated with the current local username.

The ouput folder will contain now a lot of NetworkManager compatible files.

Install the NetworkManager files

Move the output files into NetworkManager connections folder and then process them.

cp /tmp/output/* /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
chmod 600 *
nmcli conn reload

Now you should be able to see those connections also in the NetworkManager applet from your graphical environment.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.